

Discovering which are the best k spots from N possible spots.

  • Selecting the best spot from N possible spots for which the average distance to the clients is minimum. After that, choose the best server. Repeat the process k times. (costly)

  • Select the k biggest autonomous systems and place a server in the best-connected computer. (costly)

  • Place nodes in a d-dimensional space, where the distance reflects the latency. Identify k regions with the greatest density and place a server in each. (cheap)

Content replication

Distinguish the different processes:

  • Permanent replicates: Process/machine has always a replicate.

  • Server-initiated replicates: The process can, dynamically, host a replicate by request of the server.

  • Client-initiated replicates: The process can, dynamically, host a replicate by request of a client (client cache).

Server-initiated replicates

  • Keep the number of accesses by file, and aggregate by server.

  • The number of accesses drops below D -> erase file.

  • The number of accesses surpasses R -> replicate file.

  • The number of accesses is between D and R -> migrate file.

Content distribution

Considering only client-server:

  • Propaget only the notification/invalidation of an update (caches).

  • Transfer data from one copy to another (distributed DB): passive replication.

  • Propagate an update operation to other copies: active replication.


  • Push updates: initiated by the server, the update is propagated independent of the fact whether the destination has requested it or not.

  • Pulling updates: initiated by the client, where the client asks for the updates.

  • It is possible to commutate between the two modes through leases: a contract in which the server promises to push the updates to the client until the contract expires.


Server state

List of replicates in the clients and caches


Exchanged messages

Update (and possibly a fetch-update if there was an invalidation)

Poll and Update

Client's response time

Immediate (or the time of a fetch-update)

Time of a fetch-update


The time of the lease must be dependent on the behavior of the system:

  • Age-based leases: From an object that is not altered in a long time, it is not expected to be altered in soon, so the lease time should be long.

  • Renewal-frequency leases: Clients that frequently ask for an object, should have a larger expiration time.

  • State leases: The bigger the load on the server, the shorter the periods should be.

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