
It is becoming difficult to identify Cybersecurity attacks. These attacks can originate internally due to malicious intent or negligent actions or externally by malware, target attacks, and APT (Advanced Persistent Threats).

But insider threats are more challenging and can cause more damage than external threats because they have already entered the network.

These activities present unknown threats and can steal, destroy or alter the assets.

Earlier firewalls, web gateways, and some other intrusion prevention tools are enough to be secure, but now hackers and cyber attackers can bypass approximately all these defense systems.

Therefore with making these prevention systems strong, it is also equally essential to use detection. So that if hackers get into the network, the system should be able to detect their presence.

Signature detection requires knowing what to look for and comparing hashes or other strings to identify a match. Signature detection is a common feature found within antivirus and IPS/IDS products.

Behavior detection looks for malicious or other known behavior characteristics and alarms the SOC when a match is made. An example is identifying port scanning or a file attempting to encrypt your hard drive, which is an indication of ransomware behavior. Antimalware and sandboxes are examples of tools that heavily leverage behavior detection capabilities.

Anomaly detection it takes into consideration hot topics including big data, threat intelligence, and “zero-day” detection.

Last updated