What is SSDLC?

Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDLC)

During SDLC, security testing was introduced very late in the lifecycle. Bugs, flaws, and other vulnerabilities were identified late, making them far more expensive and time-consuming to fix. In most cases, security testing was not considered during the testing phase, so end-users reported bugs after deployment. Secure SDLC models aim to introduce security at every stage of the SDLC.

Why is Secure SDLC important?

A study conducted by the Systems and Sciences institute at IBM discovered that it costs six times more to fix a bug found during implementation than one identified as early as during the design phase. It also reported that it costs 15 times more if flaws are identified during testing and up to 100 times more costly if identified during the maintenance and operation phases. See the figure below:

Apart from faster development and reduction of costs, integrating security across the SDLC helps discover and reduce vulnerabilities early, reducing business risk massively. Examples of introducing security at all stages are architecture analysis during design, code review and scanners during the development stage and conducting security assessments (e.g. penetration tests) before deployment. For example, in waterfall models, this sort of testing was carried out at the end of the lifecycle, right before production; in more agile processes, we can implement a "security by design" approach. If the pentests result in errors like an SQL injection in a waterfall scenario, mitigating the bugs would entail doing another cycle to fix the bug. It would require redesigning, applying the changes and retesting to check it has been remediated. In a more agile approach, discussions on whether to prevent flaws like this, such as deciding on parameterisation during the planning phase, can avoid having to roll back changes, and it only costs a planning discussion.


  • Security is a constant concern, improving software quality and security constantly.

  • Boosting security education and awareness: all stakeholders know each phase's security recommendations and requirements.

  • Flaws are detected early before deployment, reducing the risk of getting hacked or disrupted.

  • Costs are reduced, and speed increases, thanks to the early detection and resolution of vulnerabilities. Business risk, brand reputation damage, and fines that could lead to economic disaster for a company are prevented.

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