Emergency Changes

In normal procedures, when there is a change or maintenance needed, we follow a process that includes approval, testing, documentation, and audit trails. However, in emergency situations like when servers go down or there is a system failure, we can't afford to go through the normal procedure because it takes too long to fix the issue.

So, emergency changes are a different approach we take in these situations. It means we have predefined procedures in place for emergencies, which are created by senior management. When an emergency occurs, the technical team contacts the designated senior manager, who then creates an emergency ID. This ID allows the technical team to quickly fix the issue without going through the usual approval and testing process. However, it's important to note that we should still ensure the integrity of the system and minimize any compromises.

In summary, emergency changes are a way to quickly fix issues in an emergency situation without following the usual approval and testing process. It's important to have predefined procedures in place and to maintain the integrity of the system while addressing the emergency.

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