Post-Implementation Review

It is a phase in the system development life cycle where we check if the newly developed system meets the requirements of the users and complies with government regulations. The main reason for conducting this review is to ensure that the users are happy with the system and will continue using it for a long time.

To conduct the post-implementation review, we gather feedback from the users through interviews, questionnaires, and social media platforms like Facebook or WhatsApp. It is important to involve different types of users, such as customers, management, and IT personnel, to get a comprehensive understanding of their satisfaction with the system.

The review should be done by someone who was not directly involved in the system development process to avoid bias. It could be an IT auditor or a consultant who has no prior interaction with the system. Additionally, the review helps us learn from the development process and identify areas for improvement in future system development projects.

The best time to conduct the post-implementation review is after giving the users and management some time to become familiar with the system. This could be between 3 and 6 months after the system implementation, depending on its complexity. Conducting the review too early may not provide accurate feedback as users are still getting used to the system.

Overall, the post-implementation review is crucial to ensure user satisfaction, compliance with regulations, and to learn from the development process for future improvements.

Last updated