
There are three main techniques we use: parallel changeover, phased changeover, and abrupt changeover.

Each changeover method has its own considerations in terms of cost, risk, and limitations. It's important to carefully evaluate these factors before deciding which method to use.

Parallel changeover

This method involves running both the old and new systems at the same time. It has some advantages because if there are any issues with the new system, we can still rely on the old system. We can also compare the output of both systems to make sure the new system is working correctly. However, this method can be costly because we need to maintain both systems simultaneously.

We have a special case of parallel changeover, that is pilot operation. We are not running the both old and new our systems in all sites, we pick a few of them, we call them as pilot sites.

Phased changeover

This method is suitable for large systems that can be divided into different modules. We start by replacing one module at a time with the new system and observe how it performs. Then we gradually add more modules until the entire system is replaced. The cost and risk of this method depend on the number of modules and the interaction between them. However, it may not be applicable to complex systems with high interaction among modules.

Risk and cost

Based on the number of modules and interaction between modules.


It may not be possible to separate the system into modules, depending on it's complexity,

Abrupt changeover

This method involves retiring the old system and immediately implementing the new system on a specific date. It has the lowest cost because we only use one system at a time. However, it also carries the highest risk because if there are any issues with the new system, we don't have the old system as a backup. It's important to choose the right timing for abrupt changeover, such as waiting until the end of a processing cycle or a specific period.


Must replace with the new system at the end of the processing cycle.

Outsource development

When considering an outsourced system development approach for abrupt changeover, there are both advantages and disadvantages to consider. Let's take a look at them:


  1. Expertise: Outsourced development teams are professionals in system development. They have experience and expertise in developing systems, which can result in a higher quality and more reliable new system.

  2. Reduced Bugs: Since outsourced developers specialize in system development, they are less likely to introduce bugs or errors in the new system. This can minimize the risk of issues during the abrupt changeover.

  3. Faster Development: Outsourced teams often have dedicated resources and expertise, allowing them to develop the new system more efficiently. This can lead to a faster implementation and transition from the old system to the new one.


  1. Communication Challenges: Working with an outsourced team may introduce communication challenges, especially if they are located in a different time zone or speak a different language. Effective communication is crucial for successful system development and changeover.

  2. Dependency on External Team: When outsourcing system development, you become dependent on the external team for the development and maintenance of the new system. This can create a reliance on their availability and responsiveness for any future updates or support needed.

  3. Cost Considerations: Outsourcing system development can be costly, as you need to pay for the services of the external team. This cost may need to be factored into the overall budget for the changeover project.

Last updated