Setting Up

In this course, we will be using Kali Linux as our operating system with tools like Postman, Burp Suite, Wfuzz, and Kiterunner. You may use any operating system that you would like, but the tools and techniques of this course will be demonstrated using Kali. The tools that we will be using are all free, but because of this benefit, there are some limitations. For example, the free community edition of Burp Suite throttles scans to the point where it becomes unrealistic to use in a professional setting. So, I do advise you to upgrade to professional/enterprise versions of applications when you move into that setting. For the purpose of this course, you will be able to learn the tools and techniques without paying for software upgrades.

Update Kali

Once you have your Kali VM up and running, open the Kali Linux Terminal and use the following commands to update your system:

$ sudo apt update -y
$ sudo apt upgrade -y
$ sudo apt dist-upgrade -y

Update User Accounts

When starting a new operating system it is always a great idea to update default credentials:

$ sudo passwd kali    (enter in a new more complex password)
$ sudo useradd -m hapihacker
$ sudo usermod -a -G sudo hapihacker
$ sudo chsh -s /bin/zsh hapihacker

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