SQL Injection Metacharacters

QL Metacharacters are characters that SQL treats as functions rather than data. For example, -- is a metacharacter that tells the SQL interpreter to ignore the following input because it is a comment. If an API endpoint does not filter SQL syntax from API requests, any SQL queries passed to the database from the API will execute.

SQL injection, allows a remote attacker to interact with the application’s backend SQL database. With this access, an attacker could obtain or delete sensitive data such as credit card numbers, usernames, passwords, and other gems. In addition, an attacker could leverage SQL database functionality to bypass authentication, exfiltrate private data, and gain system access. By requesting the unexpected, you could to discover a situation the developers didn’t predict, and the database might return an error in the response. These errors are often verbose, revealing sensitive information about the database.

When looking for requests to target for database injections, seek out those that allow client input and can be expected to interact with a database. Here are some SQL metacharacters that can cause some issues:

  • '

  • ''

  • ;%00

  • --

  • -- -

  • ""

  • ;

  • ' OR '1

  • ' OR 1 -- -

  • " OR "" = "

  • " OR 1 = 1 -- -

  • ' OR '' = '

  • OR 1=1

All of these symbols and queries are meant to cause problems for SQL queries. A null byte like ;%00 could cause a verbose SQL-related error to be sent as a response. The OR 1=1 is a conditional statement that literally means “or the following statement is true,” and it results in a true condition for the given SQL query. Single and double quotes are used in SQL to indicate the beginning and ending of a string, so quotes could cause an error or a unique state. Imagine that the backend is programmed to handle the API authentication process with a SQL query like the following, which is a SQL authentication query that checks for username and password:

  • SELECT * FROM userdb WHERE username = 'hAPI_hacker' AND password = 'Password1!'

The query retrieves the values hAPI_hacker and Password1! from the user input. If, instead of a password, we supplied the API with the value ' OR 1=1-- -, the SQL query might instead look like this:

  • SELECT * FROM userdb WHERE username = 'hAPI_hacker' OR 1=1-- -

This would be interpreted as selecting the user with a true statement and skipping the password requirement, as it has been commented out. The query no longer checks for a password at all, and the user is granted access. The attack can be performed to both the username and password fields. In a SQL query, the dashes (--) represent the beginning of a single-line comment. This turns everything within the following query line into a comment that will not be processed. Single and double quotes can be used to escape the current query to cause an error or to append your own SQL query.

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