NoSQL Injection

APIs commonly use NoSQL databases due to how well they scale with the architecture designs common among APIs. Also, NoSQL injection techniques aren’t as well-known as their structured counterparts. Due to this one small fact, you might be more likely to find NoSQL injections.

As you hunt, remember that NoSQL databases do not share as many commonalities as the different SQL databases do. NoSQL is an umbrella term that means the database does not use SQL. Therefore, these databases have unique structures, modes of querying, vulnerabilities, and exploits. Practically speaking, you’ll conduct many similar attacks and target similar requests, but your actual payloads will vary. The following are common NoSQL metacharacters you could send in an API request to manipulate the database:

  • $gt

  • {"$gt":""}

  • {"$gt":-1}

  • $ne

  • {"$ne":""}

  • {"$ne":-1}

  • $nin

  • {"$nin":1}

  • {"$nin":[1]}

  • {"$where": "sleep(1000)"}

$gt is a MongoDB NoSQL query operator that selects documents that are greater than the provided value. The $ne query operator selects documents where the value is not equal to the provided value. The $nin operator is the “not in” operator, used to select documents where the field value is not within the specified array. Many of the others in the list contain symbols that are meant to cause verbose errors or other interesting behavior, such as bypassing authentication or waiting 10 seconds.

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