Ingredients for SSRF

When targeting an API for SSRF vulnerabilities, you will want to look for requests that have any of the following:

  • Include full URLs in the POST body or parameters.

  • Include URL paths (or partial URLs) in the POST body or parameters.

  • Headers that include URLs like Referer.

  • Allows for user input that may result in a server retrieving resources.

Let's search the crAPI collection for potential targets. When reviewing the collection we can see three potential requests that involve URLs.

  • POST /community/api/v2/community/posts

  • POST /workshop/api/shop/orders/return_order?order_id=4000

  • POST workshop/api/merchant/contact_mechanic

These three requests each allow for user input that might be processed and some include Referer headers. The community forum post allows for any authorized user to submit a title and post to the community board. It might be a stretch, but perhaps there is some content filter involved that would submit a request to any provided URL. The return_order and contact_mechanic requests both involve URLs in some way. The return_order request doesn't seem like an obvious choice, however, the response includes a URL. Testing this request will include trying to manipulate the URL that is sent in the response. Finally, the contact_mechanic request seems like the most obvious request, because the captured request contains a URL for the "Mechanic API".

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