Passive Reconnaissance

Passive API Reconnaissance is the act of obtaining information about a target without directly interacting with the target’s systems. When you take this approach, your goal is to find and document public information about your target’s attack surface.

Typically, passive reconnaissance leverages open-source intelligence (OSINT), which is data collected from publicly available sources. You will be on the hunt for API endpoints, exposed credentials, version information, API documentation, and information about the API’s business purpose. Any discovered API endpoints will become your targets later, during active reconnaissance. Credential-related information will help you test as an authenticated user or, better, as an administrator. Version information will help inform you about potential improper assets and other past vulnerabilities. API documentation will tell you exactly how to test the target API. Finally, discovering the API’s business purpose can provide you with insight into potential business logic flaws.

As you are collecting OSINT, it is entirely possible you will stumble upon a critical data exposure, such as API keys, credentials, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), and other secrets that would lead to an instant win. Other high-risk findings would include leaked PII or sensitive user data such as SSN, full names, email addresses, and credit card information. These sorts of findings should be documented and reported immediately because they present a valid critical weakness.

Now we will check out a few passive reconnaissance techniques that can be leveraged to discover APIs. Including Google Dorking, Git Dorking, API Repositories, the Way Back Machine, and Shodan.

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