Network Function Virtualization


5G brought new trends.

  • Virtualization.

    • Simulate a hardware platform, in software: VM’s, containers.

      • Higher portability.

      • Higher scalability.

      • More cost-effective.

  • Virtualized networks

    • Logical software-based routers, switches, etc.

    • Network services are easier to deploy and manage.

    • The physical part only needs to handle packet forwarding.

Virtualized Network Functions

  • VNFs.

  • Network functions running in a virtual way over virtualization infrastructure.

  • As they are

    • Lift and shift

  • Or employing cloud-native principles.

VNF Lifecycle Management

VNFs are deployed after a service request is done, via the northbound interface.

That service request is composed of templates that consist of XML payloads and configuration parameters.

Onboarding – placing the VNF image/template and configuration, in the system’s catalogue;

  • Openstack qcow2 and cmdk disk formats and config drive.

Deploying – placing the resources in the virtualization infrastructure, along with zero-day configuration (credentials, licenses, network information, etc.).

Monitoring – check the health of virtual machines regarding network status, CPU, and memory consumption.

Healing – after monitoring failure conditions exposed as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), the system can heal the VM (restart, expand, etc.).

Updating – change the details of a virtual machine, set of virtual machines or networks that interconnect them.

Undeploy – remove a VM from the system.

Network Services

A set of chained VNFs.

VNFs are interconnected and need to communicate with each other.

  • Connectivity Forwarding Graph (FG) indicates how they are connected.

    • VNFFG – VNF Forwarding GraphVNFFG – VNF Forwarding Graph.

VNFFG – VNF Forwarding Graph.

  • Can also be part of the forwarding graph.

VNFs+VNFFG = Network Service.

  • Is managed and orchestrated together.

  • Lifecycle mgmt for VNFs.

  • Management of the VNFFG and NS lifecycle mgmt is going to be orchestrated across the whole lifecycle mgmt of those VNFs that form the NS.

  • The NS defines some external connection points that can be connected to the end-points, defining an end-to-end service.

  • We can concatenate different NS to for an end-2-end network service.

NFV Concept summary

  • No longer isolated single purspose physical network services and functions.

  • A standards-based approach to manage network services, using virtualization infrastructure.

  • Network services are built from VNF aggregation.

  • VNFs have their own lifecycle.

  • But this is managed then at the NS level.

    • And at the inter-NS level too (both require orchestration).

  • There is the need for management (and orchestration) of the network services.

    • Separate from the management of the applications/services themselves.

Reference architecture

VNF Descriptor

One very important tool used by the VNF Manager (VNFM).

VNF Deployment template that specifies.

  • How the VNF needs to be instantiated.

  • How many VM’s the VNF has?

  • How those VM’s are connected.

  • What are the external connection points?

  • What are the requirements of the VNF, the virtualized resources, etc.

  • Contains scripts that define for VNF scaling, healing, ...

Provided by the VNF vendor.

When the VNF is onboarded, the VNFD is onboarded in the VNFM.

NS Descriptor

A template that describes how the NS is composed.

  • In terms of VNF.

  • The VNFFG.

  • Scripts and indicators that defines what the orchestrator needs to do when certain events or indicators are received.

    • These appear during the lifecycle management of the NS.

Resource Management (Simplified)

Last updated