Trusted Platform identity credentials
TPM endorsement credential
Endorsement public key certificate
To attest that the TPM is genuine
Platform credential
Signed by a Platform Entity (e.g. manufacturer)
To attest that a given TPM has been integrated into a platform
Conformance credential
Signed by a Conformance Entity
To attest that the TPM & the platform designs conform with TCPA
Issuing protocol
TP generates a new identity key pair.
IdPriv, IdPub
TP sends a new identity request to a Privacy Certification Authority (PCA) including:
IdPub, EndCred, PlaCred, ConCred, Sign(BindData)
IdPriv is used to generate a signature on BindData, which encompasses the hash of the PCA’s public key and IdPriv.
The signature is attached to the request.
On receipt of the request, the Privacy CA(PCA) verifies the submitted credentials and the signature.
If the verification is successful, the PCA proceeds to create the identity credential (IdCred), essentially a certificate on IdPub signed by the Privacy CA.
PCA sends Identity Credentials to TP.
Encrypted with EndPub of the TPM
Enc( IdCred, EndPub )
Last updated