Homomorphic encryption

Idea: do some useful operations, or operations, using only encrypted data.

Example: in the RSA cryptosystem with unpadded messages, multiplication of the cipher-texts corresponds to multiplication of the plaintexts.

Using a lot of processing power (and using somewhat cumbersome methods), it is possible to apply an arbitrary function (a logic function described by a boolean circuit) to the encrypted data (to know more, search for fully homomorphic encryption schemes and lattice-based cryptography).

Paillier Cryptosystem

  1. Choose two large primes pp and qq. Ensure that pp is not a factor of q1q -1 , and vice-versa.

  2. Compute n=pqn = pq and λ=lcm(p1,q1)\lambda = lcm(p-1,q-1).

  3. Select a random integer gg in the interval ]0,n2[]0,n^2[ that is coprime to nn.

  4. Compute u=gλmodn2u = g^\lambda mod n². It must be of the form u=vn+1u = vn +1.

  5. Compute μ=((u1)/n)1modn\mu = ((u-1)/n)^{-1}mod n.

  6. The public key is (n,g)(n,g)

  7. The private key is (λ,μ)(\lambda, \mu).

  8. To encrypt the plaintext mm, with 0m<n0 \le m \lt n, select a random rr such that 0<r<n0 \lt r \lt n, and compute the ciphertext c=gmrnmodn2c = g^mr^n mod n².

  9. To decrypt, compute x=cλmodn2x = c^\lambda mod n² , then m=((x1)/n)μmodnm = ((x-1)/n)\mu mod n.

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