Qualified electronic signature

An electronic signature is compliant with the EU eIDAS Regulation.

  • Regulation No 910/2014

Enables to verify the authorship of a declaration in electronic data exchange.

  • Over long periods.

Can be considered as a digital equivalent to handwritten signatures.

Three main requirements:

  • The signatory must be linked and uniquely identified to the signature.

  • The data used to create the signature must be under the sole control of the signatory.

  • Must have the ability to identify if the data that accompanies the signature has been tampered with since the signing of the message.

Must be created using a qualified signature creation device.

  • This device uses specific hardware and software that ensures that the signatory only has control of their private key.

A qualified trust service provider manages the signature creation data that is produced.

  • However, the signature creation data must remain unique, confidential, and protected from forgery.

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