Rainbow Tables

We can invert a digest function with a table.

  • For all possible input, we compute and store the digest.

  • But the table size is given by the digest length.

    • Not usually applicable.

Solution: rainbow tables.

  • Trade space with time.

  • Store only part of the outputs.

    • For direct matching.

  • Find for more matches using computation.

They are based on a reverse function R

  • Which is not the inverse of H

  • The goal of R is to produce a new input given a hashing result.

R functions are likely to produce collisions.

  • But we can use many different R functions.

  • Collisions scan still occur.

    • But will not create a problem unless occurring at the exact same column.

    • And that case can be identified (and discarded) by identical outputs.

A table with m k-length rows can invert k×m hashes.

  • At most.

  • Only I0 and Ik is stored per row.


A set of m random inputs is generated.

  • I0 = {I0,1, ... I0,m}

A set of m k-length chain outputs is computed.

  • Ik = {Ik,1, ... Ik,m}

Given a target o

  • Look for R(o) in Ik.

  • If found in row r, compute chain from I0,r.

    • until finding i such that H(i) = o

  • If not found, compute o_r from o using H and R for each row r.

    • and see if o_r = Ik,r.

    • H and R are applied 1 to k times, using different R functions.

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