
Use N substitution alphabets.

  • Periodical ciphers, with period N.


  • Vigenère cipher.


  • Once known the period, is easy to cryptanalyze as N mono-alphabetic ones.

    • The period can be discovered using statistics.

    • Kasiski method.

      • Factoring of distances between equal ciphertext blocks.

    • Coincidence index.

      • Factoring of self-correlation offsets that yield higher coincidences.

Vigenère Cipher

Example of encryption of character M with key S, yielding cryptogram E.

  • Decryption is the opposite, E and S yield M.

Cryptanalysis of a Vigenère Cryptogram


Cipher with the Vigenère square and key "poema"

Kasiski test

  • With the text above:

  • With the complete poem:

Last updated