Security Reinforcement

Multiple encryption

Double encryption

Breakable with a meet-in-the-meddle attack in 2n+12^{n+1} attempts.

  • With 2 or more known plaintext blocks.

  • Using 2^n blocks stored in memory.

Not secure enough (theoretically).

Triple Encryption (EDE)

  • Ci = Ek3 * (Dk2 * (Ek1 * Ti))

  • Pi = Dk1 * (Ek2 * (Dk3 * Ci))

Usually K1 = K3.

If K1 = K2 = K3, then we get simple encryption

Key Whitening (DESX or DES-X)

A simple and efficient technique to add confusion.

  • Ci = Ek * (K1 ⊕ Ti) ⊕ K2

  • Ti = K1 ⊕ Dk (K2 ⊕ Ci)

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