PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)

Infrastructure for enabling the use of key pairs and certificates.

  • Creation of asymmetric key pairs for each enrolled entity.

    • Enrolment policies.

    • Key pair generation policies

  • Creation and distribution of public key certificates.

    • Enrolment policies.

    • Definition of certificate attributes.

  • Definition and use of certification chains (or paths).

    • Insertion in a certification hierarchy.

    • Certification of other CAs.

  • Update, publication, and consultation of CRLs.

    • Policies for revoking certificates.

    • Online CRL distribution services.

    • Online OCSP services.

  • Use of data structures and protocols enabling inter-operation among components/services/people.

PKI Entities

Registration Authority (RA)

The actual interface with certificate owners.

  • Identification and authentication of certificate applicants.

  • Approval or rejection of certificate applications.

  • Initiating certificate revocations or suspensions under certain circumstances.

  • Processing subscriber requests to revoke or suspend their certificates.

  • Approving or rejecting requests by subscribers to renew or re-key their certificates.

Validation Authority (VA)

A service that helps to validate certificates.

  • OCSP service.

Example: Cartão de Cidadão policies


  • In loco, personal enrolment.

Multiple key pairs per person.

  • One for authentication.

  • One for signing data.

  • Generated in the smartcard, not exportable.

  • Require a PIN in each operation.

Certificate usage (authorized).

  • Authentication.

    • SSL Client Certificate, Email (Netscape cert. type).

    • Signing, Key Agreement (key usage).

  • Signature.

    • Email (Netscape cert. type).

    • Non-repudiation (key usage).

Certification path.

  • PT root CA below the global root (before 2020).

  • PT root CA (after 2020).

  • CC root CA below PT root CA.

  • CC Authentication CA and CC signature CA below CC root CA.


  • The signature certificate was revoked by default.

    • Removed if the owner explicitly requires the usage of signatures.

  • Certificates are revoked upon an owner's request.

    • Requires a revocation PIN.

  • CRL distribution points are explicitly mentioned in each certificate.

Trust relationships

A PKI defines trust relationships in two different ways.

  • By issuing certificates for the public keys of other CAs.

    • Hierarchically below; or

    • Not hierarchically related.

  • By requiring the certification of its public key by another CA.

    • Above in the hierarchy; or

    • Not hierarchically related.

Usual trust relationships.

  • Hierarchical.

  • Crossed (A certifies B and vice-versa).

  • Ad-hoc (mesh).

    • More or less complex certification graphs.

Hierarchical and crossed certifications

Cross- Cross-certification of PKIs

Last updated