Certification Hierarchies

PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) model

Distribution of certificates for PEM (secure e-mail).

  • Worldwide hierarchy (monopoly).

  • Single root (IPRA).

  • Several PCAs (Policy Creation Authorities) are below the root.

  • Several CAs are below each PCA.

    • Possibly belonging to organizations or companies.

Never implemented.

  • Forest of hierarchies.

    • Each with its independent root CA.

    • Oligarchy.

  • Each root CA negotiates the distribution of its public key along with some applications or operating systems.

    • ex. Browsers, Windows.

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) model

Web of trust.

  • No central trustworthy authorities.

    • Each person is a potential certifier.

    • Can certify a public key (issue a certificate) and publish it.

  • People use 2 kinds of trust.

    • Trust in the keys they know.

      • Validated using any means (FAX, telephone, etc.).

    • Trust in the behavior of certifiers.

      • The assumption is that they know what they are doing when issuing a certificate.

Transitive trust.

  • If Alice trusts Bob is a correct certifier; and Bob certified the public key of Carl then Alice trusts the public key belongs to Carl.

Last updated