Avoiding XSS
Synchronizer Tokens
Add hidden tokens to forms so that every post requires the correct token.
Token is random and unique for each form.
Server-side code verifies if the correct token is provided.
If a script makes a direct POST it will not have access to the latest token.
Upon the establishment of a session, a cookie with a random value is provided to the client.
The JS in the Client gets the cookie and resends the cookie in the header.
Assumes that only JS provided on a specific HTTPS connection may access the cookie.
Assumes correct browser behavior.
The browser will not let a script called from an external source have access to external cookies.
SameSite=Lax will only allow using cookies from same requests (GET, not POST), in a top-level operation.
Top level operation: A click or something that changes the location.
Server will set:
SameSite cookie attribute
Setting the SameSite to Strict instructs browser to only provide the cookie to requests from that site.
Similar to Lax, but without exceptions to safe requests.
If the SameSite is set, an external script will not have access to the token.
Server sets:
Legit JS will have access to the cookie, External JS won’t.
Double cookie submission
Two cookies are used.
Session Cookie: identifies the user, stable across the session duration.
CSRF cookie: dynamically changing for each request.
External requests will not have information about the last CSRF cookie.
May allow sites to force a specific interaction sequence as CSRF cookies may identify the previous location.
Last updated